Archive for the ‘OMI/Excelsior Living Library & Think Park’ Category

Aug '19

Enjoy & Learn About Organic & CA Native Gardening In Free Community Workshops By OMI/ Excelsior Living Library

A Living Library SF Workshop

Learn about organic and California native gardening in free community workshops for all ages conducted by OMI/ Excelsior Living Library & Think Park in Lower Garden of OMI/ Excelsior Living Library , in Oneida Avenue. In today's workshop (Aug 24, 2019, 2 PM-5 PM), A.L.L. Garden Instructor Marius Samso will discuss about soil and compost, proper pruning, plant propagation, and organic integrated pest management. Please wear closed-toe shoes, hat and sunblock and do not forget to bring a water bottle. Snacks will be provided. 

Jul '19

OMI/ Excelsior Living Library Presents Free Community Workshops on Organic and CA Native Gardening

OMI/ Excelsior Living Library & Think Park

Spend your summer afternoons enjoying free community workshops by A Living Library on organic and California native gardening in Lower Garden of OMI/ Excelsior Living Library & Think Park. Participate in A Living Library workshops on following dates:

  • Aug 03, 2019: Learn about organic gardening of vegetable, flower, herb, fruits, and California native plants; seasonal successional planting; 
  • Aug 24, 2019: Soil and compost; proper pruning; plant propagation; and organic integrated pest management.


For registration and more information about these workshops, please get in touch with A.L.L. Garden Instructor Marius Samso  ( 510-541-2594) or drop a mail to

May '19

A.L.L. Green Futures Summer 2019 Paid Internship For Middle & High School Students

This summer, Life Frames, Inc. and A Living Library offer a unique opportunity for Middle & High School students to learn green job skills and sustainable business practices through integrated hands-on learning program. Earn up to $350 for High School students/ up to $250 for Middle School students while learning about California Native plants and wildlife, stormwater reuse, flood mitigation and so on. Fill out the PUC-DCYF-Summer 2019 A.L.L. Green Futures Application Form today!

A.L.L. Green Futures Summer 2019 Paid Internship Program for Middle & High School Students

May '19

WE ARE HIRING ! Two Creative Green Job Opportunities in San Francisco

OMI/ Excelsior Living Library & Think Park

Creative Green Skills Job Training Youth Leader & Native Plant Coordinator (San Francisco)

compensation: TBD

employment type: part-time

Job Description:

Dynamic Leader / Teacher / Gardener For Middle School / High School Students who receive Paid Internship: / California Native Trees-Understory / Ecology / Plant Communities / Rain Gardens / Urban Agriculture / Flood Mitigation / Watersheds / Green Job Opportunities / Work Ethic (part-time) May also work with K-5 Students in hands-on gardening

The dynamic, inspired, and cheerful, Outdoor Landscape Educator and Expert Gardener will be leading and recruiting groups of Middle School and High School Students in hands-on learning and doing for After School and Summer Paid Internships in: CA native gardening and tree planting/staking/tying, urban agriculture, and diverse landscape projects, as well as leading students in understanding local ecology, history, watersheds, and existing local community, including its natural, multicultural, and built resources. Leader will be doing student outreach and recruitment, attracting students for hands-on, Paid Internship learning program, and leading gardening, related landscape activities as standards-based learning processes. You will be communicating about sustainability, ecological systems and native landscapes as well as performing community outreach activities in ways that are fun, educational, and relevant. You will also help with some administration of program. Youtu may also work with K-5 students in hands-on gardening and landscaping.

Apr '19

Update On Transformation Of Seneca Avenue Streetscape In San Francisco

A generous grant awarded to Life Frames, Inc. in January 2018 by the California Natural Resources Agency under Proposition 1 – California Urban Rivers Grant Program – is helping the ecological transformation of Seneca Avenue between San Jose and Cayuga Avenues in the Islais Creek Watershed. As planned by Bonnie Ora Sherk and Life Frames, Inc. in conjunction with hydrogeologists from Ramboll, the long, wide, currently barren street of Seneca Avenue will be developed into a series of Rain Gardens to help address climate changes and mitigate flooding in the Cayuga Valley from storm water overflows in the sewer system and the historic, flooding, Islais Creek under Balboa High School and along Cayuga Avenue.

This Seneca transformation will also expand the OMI/Excelsior Living Library & Think Park at the campuses of the local schools, by planting hundreds of California native trees and understory plants.  This work will also expand the A.L.L. Nature Walk linking schools, parks, public housing, streets, and other open spaces in the Islais Creek Watershed, the largest Watershed in San Francisco.

Seneca Avenue Streetscape Sitemap_A.L.L.

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