A Living Library Is Hiring NOW – 3 Positions !!!

Green Skills Job Training Youth Leader & Native Plant Coordinator (San Francisco)

Creative Green Skills Job Training Youth Leader and Native Plant Coordinator - Available NOW !

compensation: TBD
employment type: Full To Part-Time
non-profit organization

Reply to the Founder and Director with cover letter and resume: bonnieora@alivinglibrary.org

Job Description:

Dynamic Leader/Teacher / Gardener For Middle School / High School to Age 24 Youth who receive Paid Internship in Green Skills Job Training including: California Native Trees-Understory Plants / Ecology / Plant Communities / Rain Gardens / Urban Agriculture / Flood Mitigation / Watersheds / Green Job Opportunities / Work Ethic (part-time)

The dynamic, inspired, and cheerful, Outdoor Landscape Educator and Expert Gardener will be leading and recruiting diverse groups of Middle School and High School to Age 24 Youth in hands-on learning and doing for After School and Summer Paid Internships, in: CA native gardening and tree planting/staking/tying, urban agriculture, and diverse landscape projects, as well as leading students in understanding local ecology, history, watersheds, and existing local community, including its natural, multicultural, and built resources. Leader will be doing student outreach and recruitment, attracting students for hands-on, Paid Internship learning program, and leading gardening, related landscape activities as standards-based learning processes. You will be communicating about sustainability, ecological systems and native landscapes as well as performing community outreach activities in ways that are fun, educational, and relevant. You will also help with some administration of program. You may also work with K-5 students in hands-on gardening and landscaping.
