Torino, Italia – A Living Library at Parco Arte Vivente: Exploring Through Exhibition, People, Public Talk, Food
A Living Library Is Cultivating The Human & Ecological Garden - Bonnie Ora Sherk's new installation on A Living Library is now open at Parco Arte Vivente (PAV), and will continue through October 21, 2018. As one of the invited international artists in the exhibition, The God-Trick, curated by Marco Scotini, and one of the speakers at the International Conference "Anthropocene, Ecological Crisis and Transformative Potential of Art”, she travelled to Torino, Italia last month. Below are a few images from her stay and travel in the city while enjoying the hospitality, warmth, and love of the people around.

Scene from A Living Library Is Cultivating The Human & Ecological Garden, Bonnie Ora Sherk’s installation, with Lucia Ranabaldo at PAV, Torino, Italia