Bonnie Ora Sherk Discusses The Meaning of A Living Library With Young Students

IMG_7937_Fotor_Collage_Fotor__1424126135_73.15.149.33Students from Junipero Serra Elementary School learned about the meanings and metaphor of A Living Library in a discussion led by Bonnie Ora Sherk, as part of a class in the Bernal Heights Living Library & Think Park Afterschool Program. Afterwards, the children incorporated their ideas and made an illustrated book describing A.L.L.
Through a lively discussion, children learned:   A Living Library of Diversity on Earth and in Space includes: People, Birds, Trees, Air, Water, Plants, and the things we create, such as Parks, Gardens, Schools, Curricula, Artworks, Networks, Communities, and Celebrations. A Living Library demonstrates that Culture and Technology are part of Nature. It is all Nature!