Archive for the ‘A.L.L. Pedagogy’ Category

Apr '13

Capturing A Living Library Through Art


 This month at A Living Library, students took a deeper look at the Gardens and Landscapes through the lens of art. Art for creation, for beauty, and for self-expression.  Students opened their eyes to details of the Gardens at the OMI/Excelsior and Bernal Heights Branch Living Library & Think Parks through Photography, Blind Contour Drawings, and Scientific Observational Drawing Classes.

Older students at our OMI/Excelsior Living Library & Think Park learned how to critically analyze images and objects using perspective, light, balance, color contrast, focus, background, and the rule of thirds. Each student used these principles of photography as they explored the Gardens taking photos.

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Blind Contour Drawings are an art form that encourages you to pay more attention to the shape and essence of your subject, rather than the detail and accuracy of your drawing. There are only 3 guidelines for this art form:

1) Never take your eyes off of your subject

2) Never lift your pencil off your paper

3) Have fun!

Our after-school students from 2nd through 7th grades participated in this activity, that is far more difficult than it seems. Students first learned the basics of Blind Contour by drawing a partner’s face, as their partner drew theirs. This show-down stare contest produced interesting art works that encouraged students to let go of perfection, and just have fun. Students were then able to take their talent to the Living Library Gardens and capture the forms of human figures, flowers, and other garden treasures.

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Our youngest students at A Living Library were encouraged to observe plants and flowers in detail, and produce scientific drawings of their subjects. Students explored the Garden and sat down in front of their subjects of choice for a closer look. Students observed their plants, and drew them as they saw them, identifying and matching shapes, colors, proportions, and growth patterns. With the A.L.L. Teacher asking, “What else do you see?”, students repeatedly returned to their subjects to add any parts they missed before.

Scientific Drawings encourage observation, critical analysis, and an awareness of the details of nature. Students were asked to take a look at the differences between these art forms. Each one brings new light and new attention to the beauty of the Garden, and the self-expression of each student, who is part of our Living Library & Think Parks

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Apr '13

Attention SF Middle and High School Students: Become an A.L.L. ECO-ART Intern with A Living Library This Summer !


A unique opportunity for San Francisco youth this summer with A Living Library:

A.L.L. ECO-ART Internship Flyer

See links below for more information, the application, and parent signature form:

A.L.L. ECO-ART Internship Information

A.L.L. ECO-ART Internship Application

A.L.L ECO-ART Parent Signature Form



Apr '13

Healthy Hearts of February: Valentine’s Day Celebrated A Living Library Garden Style!

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IMG_0736Love was in the air in the OMI/Excelsior and Bernal Heights Branch Living Library & Think Parks this February, and Valentine’s Day was not the only reason why.  IMG_0731

This month we took a fun turn towards learning of healthy hearts, as our A.L.L. Garden Instructors brought food choices and food fun to the garden table.  For two weeks, students from Kindergarten to 8th grade took part in a Juicing for Health Lesson that brightened up eyes and taste buds, with Hulk Green Juicing Machines !

Students of all ages worked together to categorize the foods we commonly eat, and that we know can, either support, or destroy, our bodily systems and balance. Students actively participated in acknowledging the health benefits of fruits and vegetables, and the health risks of diets, high in fats and sugars.  Did you know that a can of soda or a regular glass of fruit juice can contain up to 10tsp. of processed sugar?


  Expressions of “Yuck” were soon overcome, with looks of “Yum”, when our students started preparing fresh fruits and vegetables from the local grocery store, and seasonal edible plants from our Living Library Gardens. We added some super power from greens, such as chard, kale, dandelion, miner’s lettuce, and even sour grass, to our mixture, for an ever-changing, new, flavor of health. 

And, with this comes the great lesson of how each food choice can support, or hurt us, in different ways.  You probably knew that carrots provide carotene for stronger eyes and vision, but did you know that parsley has been found to contain anti-tumor fighting agents?

Through preparing meals, and creating art with colorful foods as the medium, students learn that healthy food is fun, and, Yes, we should play with our food at A Living Library!

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 Blog written by A Living Library Garden Instructor Courtney Calkins.     

Jun '11

Children’s Pictures & Writing From Bernal Heights Branch Living Library & Think Park Sites

Makayla For your enjoyment, please view a few photos and their descriptions, made by children participating this Spring in the Bernal Heights Living Library & Think Park sites at Junipero Serra Elementary School and Junipero Serra Child Development Center. We hope you like them !  The children wrote the captions for their photographs below: Natalie-Lava-1 Natalie-Lava-2

We put garlic and potatoes from the garden in our soup. We cut them really small. It tasted good! By: Natalie Lava


My favorite thing I did in the garden was watch the butterflies and the bees pollinate the flowers. And after fruit will grow! By: Makayla


I liked making the soup because we got to pick Dinosaur kale By: Owen


I like to hunt for snails so they don’t mess up our garden.By: Isaiah


Our favorite thing to do in the garden is hanging bird food. By: Victoria and Paola


I like sucking the nectar out of the yellow flowers like the bees and the butterflies. By: Paola and Samantha


My favorite thing to do in the garden is watering. By: Melany


I like the flowers because they give us seeds. By: Aneesah


I like to plant seeds and water plants because the roots get thirsty. By: Johanna Paniagua Romero


I love picking vegetables from the garden. By: Oscar


We like to pull weeds because we like our garden healthy, nice, and full of pretty well grown flowers. Dandylions and grass are the most common weeds in the Junipero Serra garden. By: Kayla and Jesse


We love to pull weed and eat apples in the garden. By: Sophia, Esmeralda, and Jessica

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