Children’s Pictures & Writing From Bernal Heights Branch Living Library & Think Park Sites


For your enjoyment, please view a few photos and their descriptions, made by children participating this Spring in the Bernal Heights Living Library & Think Park sites at Junipero Serra Elementary School and Junipero Serra Child Development Center.

We hope you like them !  The children wrote the captions for their photographs below:



We put garlic and potatoes from the garden in our soup. We cut them really small. It tasted good!
By: Natalie Lava


My favorite thing I did in the garden was watch the butterflies and the bees pollinate the flowers. And after fruit will grow!
By: Makayla


I liked making the soup because we got to pick Dinosaur kale
By: Owen


I like to hunt for snails so they don’t mess up our garden.By: Isaiah


Our favorite thing to do in the garden is hanging bird food.
By: Victoria and Paola


I like sucking the nectar out of the yellow flowers like the bees and the butterflies. By: Paola and Samantha


My favorite thing to do in the garden is watering.
By: Melany


I like the flowers because they give us seeds.
By: Aneesah


I like to plant seeds and water plants because the roots get thirsty.
By: Johanna Paniagua Romero



I love picking vegetables from the garden.
By: Oscar


We like to pull weeds because we like our garden healthy, nice, and full of pretty well grown flowers. Dandylions and grass are the most common weeds in the Junipero Serra garden.
By: Kayla and Jesse


We love to pull weed and eat apples in the garden.
By: Sophia, Esmeralda, and Jessica

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