Posts Tagged ‘A Living Library’

Jun '19

Let’s Celebrate Roosevelt Island Day Together !

Roosevelt Island Day_RI Living Library & Think Park

On Saturday, June 08, 2019, 10 am - 2 pm, celebrate Roosevelt Island Day with us and help plant our new community fruit orchard in RI Living Library & Think Park Gardens, behind new RI Library site, 504 Main Street. Get your hands dirty while planting peach, asian pear, apple, plum, apricot, nectarine & cherry trees. Don't forget to wear closed-toe shoes, hat, sunblock and bring a water bottle. All are welcome including families and children.

May '19

Free May Monthly Workshop On Organic Gardening in Roosevelt Island Living Library & Think Park In Conjunction With NY Public Library

2nd organic gardening workshop_RI Living Library & Think Park

"How to germinate hard-coated seeds?"

"How to make sure that seedlings receive optimum amount of light?"

"What is a soil mix?"

"What should be the ideal frequency to water seedlings?"

These were some of the questions discussed in the second free monthly organic gardening workshop held on May 04, a rainy day on Roosevelt Island, NYC. A.L.L. garden teacher, China Bushell met with students in the RI Branch Public Library, and they talked about sowing seeds, soil testing, and transplanting seedlings into the garden. In spite of the weather, a group of enthusiastic participants turned up, wanting to learn about seed germination and growth, different kinds of soil, and the usage of compost, peat moss, vermiculite, perlite, and sand in soil mixes.

2nd free monthly organic gardening workshop in RI Public LIbrary

China also spoke about checking on a plant's condition by measuring moisture content, pH value and light levels with the help of a soil tester kit. She encouraged participants to grow their own version of organic gardens in pots and containers, even in apartments. The Workshop also brought up diverse plant issues including: importance of using non-GMO seeds, use of organic pesticides rather than chemical deterrents, and soil nutrients. Enjoy a few images from the workshop, inside Roosevelt Island Public Library and in the RI Living Library & Think Park Gardens:

May '19

A.L.L. Green Futures Summer 2019 Paid Internship For Middle & High School Students

This summer, Life Frames, Inc. and A Living Library offer a unique opportunity for Middle & High School students to learn green job skills and sustainable business practices through integrated hands-on learning program. Earn up to $350 for High School students/ up to $250 for Middle School students while learning about California Native plants and wildlife, stormwater reuse, flood mitigation and so on. Fill out the PUC-DCYF-Summer 2019 A.L.L. Green Futures Application Form today!

A.L.L. Green Futures Summer 2019 Paid Internship Program for Middle & High School Students

May '19

WE ARE HIRING ! Two Creative Green Job Opportunities in San Francisco

OMI/ Excelsior Living Library & Think Park

Creative Green Skills Job Training Youth Leader & Native Plant Coordinator (San Francisco)

compensation: TBD

employment type: part-time

Job Description:

Dynamic Leader / Teacher / Gardener For Middle School / High School Students who receive Paid Internship: / California Native Trees-Understory / Ecology / Plant Communities / Rain Gardens / Urban Agriculture / Flood Mitigation / Watersheds / Green Job Opportunities / Work Ethic (part-time) May also work with K-5 Students in hands-on gardening

The dynamic, inspired, and cheerful, Outdoor Landscape Educator and Expert Gardener will be leading and recruiting groups of Middle School and High School Students in hands-on learning and doing for After School and Summer Paid Internships in: CA native gardening and tree planting/staking/tying, urban agriculture, and diverse landscape projects, as well as leading students in understanding local ecology, history, watersheds, and existing local community, including its natural, multicultural, and built resources. Leader will be doing student outreach and recruitment, attracting students for hands-on, Paid Internship learning program, and leading gardening, related landscape activities as standards-based learning processes. You will be communicating about sustainability, ecological systems and native landscapes as well as performing community outreach activities in ways that are fun, educational, and relevant. You will also help with some administration of program. Youtu may also work with K-5 students in hands-on gardening and landscaping.

Apr '19

Let’s Join Together To Save Our Planet

This Earth Day, let’s pledge to protect diverse species and work towards creating a greener, sustainable, and organic Planet Earth. Read more to find out how even large cities and towns can contribute in conserving plant and animal populations.

Earth Day 2019_A Living LIbrary

Climate change spurred by human activities has directly, negatively impacted plants and wildlife across the world. To cope up with increasing human population, forests are being cut down to expand cities and towns, or to burn as firewood for cooking. 

The list of endangered and threatened species is increasing at an alarming rate and only our collective effort can save them from extinction. 

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