Posts Tagged ‘Community Planting’

Jan '21

New Year 2021-Pandemic and Beyond

To say 2020 was challenging is an understatement. It was meant to be 2020 CLEAR VISION.  Instead it was 2020 BLURRED VISION and was devastating for so many. Like many other organizations, businesses, and nonprofits, Life Frames, Inc. & A Living Library were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in ways that proved unimaginable. Where meetings and classes could go virtual, planting and pruning trees could not. 

The pandemic slowed everybody down,” A.L.L. Founder & Director, Bonnie Ora Sherk, says.

Still, with challenge came opportunities. “So many deaths and lives were disrupted, but, as we all slowed down, our sensitivity, reflections, and appreciation for each other and all of life, as well as certain activities were being felt more deeply.  And, otherwise, we might have missed these qualities and important experiences.”

With the new year,” Sherk says, “I am optimistic for a better and healthier future for all, bringing new opportunities, as well as nurturing and strengthening our ongoing ecological transformations and integrated hands-on learning programs.”

A.L.L. is carrying this spirit into the new year with both ongoing and emerging projects:

Ongoing projects:

Emerging projects:

  • SF Art Institute Harker Award, Exhibition, Public Talk, Teaching in 2021-2022 plus A.L.L involvement in SFAI Reimagining 
  • Invitation to participate in Liverpool Biennial, March-June 2021
  • Invitation to create one-person exhibition in Huesca, Spain at Centre de Arte y Naturaleza-Fundación Beulas (CDAN)
  • Invitation to join Ecology Arts Team at Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, Chongching, China
  • Opening of the new Roosevelt Island Public Library adjacent to RI Living Library & Think Park Gardens at the end of January 2021  
  • Development of International Gardens in RI Living Library & Think Park - NYC 

Please stay updated on A.L.L news and project developments by visiting our website and following us on social media----> 

You might also consider making a Donation or Volunteering as a way to show support in the new year. 

Stay tuned, and Happy New Year!

Nov '19

Invitation to FREE Organic & CA Native Plants Workshop- December 07, 2019!

A Living Library

Please join us for our next A Living Library FREE Organic Gardening & California Native Plants Workshop in D11 at the OMI/ Excelsior Living Library & Think Park on Saturday, December 07, 2019 from 1.30 P.M. to 5 P.M.  

Meet us in Lower Garden on Oneida off San Jose Avenue between Ocean and Geneva Avenues, and Denman & San Miguel schools - Near Balboa BART. 

All ages are welcome, including seniors!

Looking forward to seeing you soon. Thanks & Happy Holidays! 

Nov '19

Roosevelt Island Living Library & Think Park – Fall 2019


Roosevelt Island Living Library & Think Park

As temperature drops and leaves fall, we enjoy these last few days outside before snow covers it all. A.L.L. Garden Instructor China Bushell, in the Roosevelt Island Living Library & Think Park has been preparing the A.L.L. Gardens for next spring with wonderful community participation of all ages: Harvesting, Composting and Planting for the next season with the help of school children and community residents.

Enjoy a few pictures from the busy fall season in the Roosevelt Island Living Library & Think Park. (more…)

Jul '19

Free July Workshop On Organic Gardening Presented By RI Living Library & RI Public Library

RI Living Library & Think Park

On July 27, 2019, Saturday (12.00 PM -1.30 PM), enjoy free workshop on organic gardening presented by Roosevelt Island Living Library & Roosevelt Island Public Library! Funded by RIOC Public Purpose Fund and conducted by A.L.L. Garden Instructor China Bushell, these workshops are one-of-a-kind opportunity to learn and create your own organic garden. The workshops begin in RI Public Library to discuss workshop subjects with the help of Library's resources and display materials. Later, participants get a chance to get their hands dirty in RI Living Library Gardens, behind new RI Library site, 504 Main Street. 

Jun '19

Let’s Celebrate Roosevelt Island Day Together !

Roosevelt Island Day_RI Living Library & Think Park

On Saturday, June 08, 2019, 10 am - 2 pm, celebrate Roosevelt Island Day with us and help plant our new community fruit orchard in RI Living Library & Think Park Gardens, behind new RI Library site, 504 Main Street. Get your hands dirty while planting peach, asian pear, apple, plum, apricot, nectarine & cherry trees. Don't forget to wear closed-toe shoes, hat, sunblock and bring a water bottle. All are welcome including families and children.

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