Posts Tagged ‘OMI/Excelsior Living Library & Think Park’

Dec '17

2017 Art + Environment Conference and Unsettled Exhibition: Bonnie Ora Sherk Presents A Living Library in Nevada Museum of Art

  Bonnie Ora Sherk

Since 2008, the Art + Environment Conference at the Nevada Museum of Art, Reno, Nevada, led by William Fox, has been bringing together international artists, researchers, designers, architects, and scholars to create awareness about human interactions with the environment. The triennial event displays the beautiful amalgamation of futuristic artworks in the face of the rapidly changing global environment. This year, the 2017 Art + Environment Conference (Oct 19 - Oct 21 2017) was themed around the Greater West - the geographical region spanning through the west coast of Americas to Australia and New Zealand. The presenters investigated the cultural and environmental aspects of the region through the lens of aesthetics, technology, and imagination. 

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Nov '17

Roosevelt Island Living Library & Think Park : June to September 2017

Roosevelt Island Day, June 17, 2017 at Roosevelt Island, NYC

The Native Americans called Roosevelt Island, Minnehanonck, meaning ‘It’s nice to be on the island’. Once infamous for its prisons and asylums, the two-mile-long island in New York City’s East River, located between Manhattan Island and the borough of Queens on Long Island has slowly emerged as a home to high-rise residential buildings. Right in the middle of the town, on an L-shaped plot just south of 504 Main Street, there lies a beautiful patch of green — the Roosevelt Island Living Library & Think Park, an ecological artwork created by Bonnie Ora Sherk, her non-profit organization Life Frames, Inc., and community members that engages the local schools and adults; educating them about gardening, ecology, multi-arts, literacy, nutrition, and local history through hands-on, standards-based Common Core learning programs.

Bonnie Ora Sherk with a group of enthusiastic kids and their parents on Roosevelt Island Day, June 17, 2017 at Roosevelt Island, NYC

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Aug '16

Summer Nutrition Classes are in Full Bloom!

Some of the healthiest and most delicious nutrition classes happen during the summer months at A Living Library, when fruit is ripening on the trees and leafy greens are at their finest. Teachers at the OMI/Excelsior Living Library & Think Park instructed students on how to prepare a salad. Aug. 1, 2016 Blog Post (more…)
Jul '16

New Greenhouse Grows At A Living Library !!

We are very proud to announce the addition of a new Greenhouse Learning Zone in Lower Garden at OMI/Excelsior Living Library & Think Park!

Jul.29 2016 Blog PostA.L.L. Green Futures Eco-Stewards revel in the new greenhouse

Jul '16

Transformation: Learning through Art

A Living Library itself is an art work—our founder, Bonnie Ora Sherk, has made her career by transforming public urban spaces into more human-friendly, ecological habitats. (See video of her talk at Mills College Art Museum in a previous blog post!)

Our A.L.L. Garden / Ecology / Multi-Arts / Literacy / Nutrition Teachers emphasize to students the importance of creating art and transforming our environment and ourselves through art. For instance, students learned about the usefulness of scientific illustration to communicate knowledge visually. A.L.L. Teacher, Cecilia Frisardi conducted a lesson at the OMI/Excelsior Living Library & Think Park in flower anatomy which included dissection and illustration.

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