PS 217 Children Discuss Meaning of A Living Library & Create Their Own A Living Library Illustrated Books

IMG_3064On January 2, all the Kindergarten and 1st Grade Students from Roosevelt Island’s PS/IS 217 had a lively discussion with Bonnie Ora Sherk about the meaning and metaphor of A Living Library.  Students were asked what they thought would be in A Living Library and answered that all kinds of animals and plants are part of A Living Library.  They delighted in calling out all their favorite animals and plants.  The children also learned that the initials of A Living Library are A.L.L., and that humans are also part of A.L.L., as well as the things people create, such as:  parks, gardens, schools, libraries, artworks, communities, and celebrations.  Students then called out and discussed other things that are part of A.L.L.

Children folded a large piece of paper in two, and created their own A Living Library Book, adding their favorite images and words using craypas and pencils.  Have a look at their brilliant art and writing !


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