Archive for the ‘Chinatown Living Library & Think Park’ Category

Aug '17

Bonnie Ora Sherk Presents Lecture On Funcshuional Art In Museum Of Arte Útil’s Escuela at Yerba Buena Center For The Arts

Bonnie Ora Sherk, long-time ecological artist, landscape architect, planner, educator, and Founder & Director of Life Frames, Inc. & A Living Library, presented a lecture on Funcshuional Art as A Living Library at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts on August 2 as part of Escuela d'Arte Util (School of Useful Art), part of Tania Bruguera’s Exhibition of the Museum d'Arte Util at YBCA. Her talk was live-streamed on the YBCA's website (see below). Bonnie Ora Sherk's work was also featured on a KQED radio broadcast and appears on the KQED website about the Exhibition and Arte Util.

Presentation Part 1 Presentation Part 2

Below are a few pictures from the presentation.

Bonnie Ora Sherk presents this week’s lecture on “usership” at Escuela de Arte Útil at YBCA. (more…)
Jul '16

A.L.L. is Hiring! PreK-12 Garden / Ecology / Multi-Arts / Literacy / Nutrition Teachers

A Living Library is looking for awesome PreK-12 Garden / Ecology / Multi-Arts / Literacy / Nutrition Teachers in diverse locations, San Fransisco.

(Craigslist Post:

IMG_0178 (more…)
Jul '16

A.L.L. is Planning New School Year Common Core Curriculum !

2016.07.19 Staff Meeting

Every year, our A.L.L. Garden / Ecology / Multi-Arts / Literacy / Nutrition Teachers work diligently to create a relevant, standards-based, interdisciplinary, and fun, hands-on curriculum for students (PreK-12) and teachers, that meets national and state standards and also helps to improve the local environment of each school and neighborhood.  In San Francisco, our school programs are based at 7 SFUSD schools in OMI/Excelsior, Bernal Heights, and Chinatown.  Combined at these schools we work with over 1000 children and youth each month in hands-on learning, beginning with the very young children to those in high school.

Sep '15

Artist Talk TONIGHT ! Evolution of Life Frames: Past, Present, Future by Bonnie Ora Sherk

Dear Friends! I would like to invite you, your friends and family to attend my talk on Evolution of Life Frames – Past, Present, Future – Wednesday, September 23, 7 pm, in Danforth Hall, adjacent to the Mills College Art Museum.  This talk is being given in conjunction with the Exhibition, Public Works - Artists Interventions, curated by Christian Frock and Tanya Zimbardo. Screen Shot 2015-09-22 at 12.33.06 pm TONIGHT : September 23, 2015 at Mills College Art Museum in Oakland.  7:00 pm | Danforth Lecture Hall, Mills College I hope to see you !  Pictured below on the announcement for the Exhibition, is my work:  Sitting Still l, when I was actually facing my future, in addition to demonstrating how a seated human figure can transform the environment. Come tonight to learn more !MCAM_PublicWorks_card-page-001
Sep '14

Bonnie Ora Sherk Discusses A Living Library on ROOSTERGNN, Global News Network !

Omi:excelsiorgardenview8 14 Astrophysicist, Sinziana Paduroiu, interviewed Bonnie Ora Sherk about A Living Library and her earlier Life Frames for ROOSTERGNN, Global News Network.  Here is the published version, A Living Library - Cultivating the Human & Ecological Garden, which appeared online on September 9, 2014. Enjoy ! OMI before and after Chinatown before & after 2Nature Walk Planting 1A
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