A Living Library Is Cultivating The Human & Ecological Garden – Bonnie Ora Sherk’s New Environmental Performance Installation at Parco Arte Vivente, Torino, Italia

A Living Library installation at PAV, Turin

A new installation on A Living Library by Bonnie Ora Sherk is now open at Parco Arte Vivente (PAV) in Torino, Italia and will continue through October 21, 2018 ! Please come and see it ! 

This environmental installation, A Living Library Is Cultivating The Human & Ecological Gardenacknowledges the polar directions, is filled with bird communications, and engages spectators who become participants, while showcasing A Living Library, or A.L.L., in multiple landscape colors.

A.L.L. is a planetary genre of place-based, ecological, community transformations with systemically integrated, hands-on learning by doing for all ages, meant to be developed throughout the world, interconnected through Green-Powered Digital Gateways.  

The installation at PAV shows Site Plans and Scenes from diverse Branch Living Library & Think Parks underway in San Francisco, California and New York City, as well as images that give an Overview of A.L.L. Below are a few images of the installation:

YELLOW WALL: An Overview of A.L.L. including drawing/collage of Green-Powered Digital Gateway 8:  1990-2016, Brain Map, and other structural components. 

Yellow Wall, Bonnie Ora's installation at PAV

A.L.L. at Parco Arte Vivente

ORANGE WALL: Description of the installation in Italian. 

Bonnie Ora Sherk at PAV, Turin

Description of the installation in Italian

BLUE WALL: Bernal Heights Living Library & Think Park Nature Walk in San Francisco with prototype Nature Walk Master Plan, Islais Creek Watershed MapBefore, During, and After images showing transformation of diverse areas of the site, and a Garden of Signs, 2002-Present

Blue Wall, Bonnie Ora's installation at PAV

Visitors at Bonnie Ora's installation

Bonnie Ora with her installation

Bonnie Ora's installation at PAV

YELLOW-GREEN WALL: OMI/Excelsior Living Library & Think Park in San Francisco with Site Plans and Before, During, and After images of transformation of diverse areas of site: 1998-Present

A.L.L. Installation at PAV, Turin

Yellow Green Wall, Bonnie Ora's installation at PAV

A.L.L. installation at PAV, Turin

GRASS-GREEN WALL: Roosevelt Island Living Library & Think Park in New York City: 2001 – Present, showing Southpoint Living Library Master Plan, and Before, During, and After images of transformation of diverse areas of site, all facing East, including video showing A Living Library and diverse sites.

A Living Library at PAV, Turin

Grass Green Wall, Bonnie Ora's installation at PAV

Bonnie Ora with her installation at PAV

Visitors at Bonnie Ora's installation at PAV

Bonnie Ora with the panel of other artists

Image Credit: Parco Arte Vivente

The group exhibition opened in parallel with an International Conference the ”Anthropocene, Ecological Crisis and Transformative Potential of Art”. Bonnie Ora Sherk was among the invited international artists to show in the exhibition as well as one of the speakers at the Conference. Shown here, Bonnie Ora Sherk with the panel of other artists at the Conference. 









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