A Few More Photos of Tree Planting From Bernal Heights Living Library & Think Park Nature Walk


As promised, below are a few more pictures that document the tremendous effort from so many, to plant California Native Trees along the developing Bernal Heights Living Library & Think Park Nature Walk leading  to the Islais Creek on the south side of St. Mary's Park, adjacent to Alemany Farm and Alemany Public Housing.

A big special thanks to John Miller, St Mary's & Holly Park Supervisor for SF Recreation & Park Department, who is a great colleague and friend in this enterprise.  He has led so many planting days and this summer is directing our Living Library MYEEP workers (Mayor's Office of Youth Employment) to keep the trees watered and staked.  THANK YOU, JOHN !!!!

More Planting In St. Mary's Park 2009 With One Brick Volunteers

Even Mas Planting of Mixed Native Oaks In St. Mary's with Salesforce Volunteers led by Michael Hunt, 2009.                                                Our Nature Walk is emerging !!

Still more pics to come soon !

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