This is the Tenth Anniversary of A Living Library's participation in Roosevelt Island Day !
Very Auspicious !
I remember vividly meeting, the then-Principal of the Roosevelt Island School, PS/IS 217, Sherry Gregory on 9/12/01. We were determined to create a positive, creative, and life-affirming situation and experience for the children, youth, and adults of Roosevelt Island, after the brutality and trauma of 9/11. The Roosevelt Island Living Library & Think Park was born !
Fast Forward ! June 11, 2011 !
We are planting our Third Living Library & Think Park Garden on RI. Because the School is now under construction, our Orchard and Concentric Circle Gardens on the riverside of the School and our Original Living Library & Think Park Garden in the schoolyard are off-limits.
So, thanks to RIOC and Steve Chironis, and Urban America and Doryne Isley, we are starting anew, adjacent to the building at 504 Main Street, which may become the new RI Branch Library.
Many children, youth, and adults came to plant with us; we even had a group from the United Nations Rotaract join us ! Everyone had a great time, and much was accomplished !
Another note: The top picture shows Reynault Williams watering the newly planted RI Living Library Gardens. He has been participating in A Living Library since we began on Roosevelt Island when he was a PreK child at PS/IS 217. For years, since then, he is the one who always waters the new Living Library Garden on Roosevelt Island Day ! He is now in 8th grade !
See for yourself, all that we accomplished !!!

Please also view Martha Kerr's beautiful photo album from this event at link below:
Photos of RI Living Library on RI Day by Martha Kerr: June 11, 2011