Green Skills Training for A.L.L. GREEN FUTURES ECO-STEWARDS

The A.L.L. GREEN FUTURES STEWARDS are an extraordinary group of students! They have been spending close to 15 hours every week in the OMI/Excelsior Living Library & Think Park Gardens and are beginning to master some important gardening skills including pruning, weeding, hose coiling, composting, and planting as well as numerous other useful green skills.

Teachers Cecilia and Alex asked students to write about their experience in the garden thus far. Here are some of their responses:

Janna, age 12

Jul. 25, 2016 Blog Post

  1. One thing I learned is how to pull out/dig up weed on the dirt. Another thing I learned, is pitch forking the compost with a turning pitch fork.
  2. The Hula Hoe is used for to dig down to plant a plant.
  3. The activity I enjoy most is, watering, because I love playing with water and using water for some reason.
  4. I chose a shovel that symbolizes the garden because the garden was started with a shovel to dig up dirt and plat the plat on the whole.

Jul. 25, 2016 Blog Post

Jennifer, age 13

Jul. 25, 2016 Blog Post

  1. I have learned how to plant trees and how to prune plants.
  2. My favorite tool in the garden is the pruner. The pruner is used to cut off the dead part of a plant
  3. My favorite activity that I have enjoyed was making the salad and chocolate dipped fruits. I enjoyed making the salad because I actually ate vegetables in a fun way. The chocolate dipped fruits were good so I enjoyed it.
  4. I think that the tree in the chill corner symbolizes the garden because we all like climbing on it and hanging out on it.

Jul. 25, 2016 Blog Post

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