After Roosevelt Island Day, all the children from PS 217 came to inspect the newly planted RI Living Library & Think Park Garden. Many had helped to prepare the beds and planted on RI Day. Lots of new plants to see; many colors and textures; vegetables and flowers ! A vision to behold !

Children cooled off from the heat looking up at the beautiful trees above them, and then drew the branching shapes they saw, led by Ms. Susan, our A.L.L. Teacher from last year (below). Thank you, Ms. Susan for your wonderful dedication and hard work !
And, our new A.L.L. Teacher, Mr. Avi, talks with 5th graders, inspiring them to imagine any kind of special power they wish to have (above). He will be working all summer with the Beacon students to care for their Living Library & Think Park Garden, creating interesting and fun learning projects for the children, and again in the Fall, with PS/IS 217 students when school begins again.