A Glimpse Of Our Garden In Fall:
In some regions, gardeners are finding that it’s just too cold to be outside, but we've been lucky to have really mild temperatures, so we're not wasting any time mourning the loss of our summer's bountiful harvest. The kids have enjoyed working in the garden in the balmy, unseasonably warm weather we've been having. It snowed once in October and has been in the 50s and 60s F since, so, the garden is still lush and green; quite unusual for this time of year here. As the multitude of green hues of spring and summer fade, leaves begin to change golden, bronze and various shades of red with the crisp cool air and sunny shortened days. Fall showcases plants in a rich palette of gem tones— the deep regal purple eggplant, pale lavender crocuses and miniature violets, rich russet reds, the burst of orange, velvety maroons, sunny yellows, and amber-like golds.
Our compost pile has produced some beautifully rich, dark brown humus, which the squirrels have had the luck of digging through for seeds to fatten up for the winter. The numerous birds have enjoyed the lettuce and corn seeds we've allowed to go to seed. The mulch has added a lovely golden color accent against the begonias, impatiens and marigold flowers, whilst keeping the weeds at bay and conserving soil moisture and heat. We've harvested seeds from our summer's bounty; cucumber, tomato, green pepper, and marigold, for starters.
The weather is getting cool, the sun is setting sooner and so, nights are getting darker, life is moving a little bit slower, and things are winding down in our summer garden. Fall is the garden's closing act – the last big show of color before the long hibernation of winter.
Don't forgot to check out our photo journal for a glimpse into our garden and what we do. Our Fall Living Library Garden Pictures