Archive for the ‘Islais Creek Watershed’ Category

Aug '11

Walk S.F. & A.L.L. Invite You To Experience Growing Bernal Heights Living Library Nature Walk & Islais Creek – August 27 – 10 AM

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Please join Walk SF and A.L.L., August 27, 10-12:30, in a guided walk of the Bernal Heights Living Library & Think Park Nature Walk underway since 2002, led by Bonnie Ora Sherk.  To date, over 600 California Native Trees, funded by Cal Fire, have been planted by volunteers led by Life Frames, Inc. and multiple City Agencies (RPD, DPW, HA, PUC), linking local schools, parks, public housing, streets, and other open spaces leading to the Islais Creek at the south side of St. Mary's Park.   More trees and understory soon to come with additional features and opportunities !

Learn about SF's largest Watershed - Islais Creek Watershed - and many walking, greening, creek-daylighting, other exciting opportunities, and potential expansion to connect 11 city neighborhoods in Southeast and Southwest San Francisco - Noe Valley, Mission, Bernal Heights, Potrero Hill, Bayview, Portola, Crocker Amazon, Excelsior, OMI, Sunnyside, Glen Park.

There will be some hills, so be prepared !

Guided Bernal Heights Living Library & Think Park Nature Walk To Islais Creek

Bernal Heights Living Library Nature Walk & Islais Creek Watershed Walk
Saturday August 27
10:00am – 12:30pm

Meet in front of Junipero Serra Child Development Center, 155 Appleton (Between Mission St and Holly Park Circle, two blocks south of Cortland)
MUNI: 49, 14 buses; J Church

See Original Conceptual Community Master Plan For Bernal Heights Living Library Nature Walk from 2002-03 developed by local community, led by Bonnie Ora Sherk and Life Frames, Inc., funded by Mayor's Office Community Development and SF Foundation
Original Conceptual Master Plan - Bernal Heights Living Library & Think Park Nature Walk

See Map of Islais Creek Watershed:
Islais Creek Watershed Map & Opportunity

Read Some Ideas to Interconnect Communities In Islais Creek Watershed:
Islais Creek Watershed Narrative Opportunity

Read Article About Living Library Nature Walk & Islais Creek Watershed In Most Recent New Bernal Journal, August/September, 2011, Page 10:

Read SF Chronicle Op-Ed on Daylighting Creeks in SF - April 16, 2010
A Watershed Moment For San Francisco Creeks

Jul '11

Even A Few More Photos of Tree Planting From Bernal Heights Living Library & Think Park Nature Walk


We have so many great pictures of volunteers planting California Native Trees adding to the Bernal Heights Living Library & Think Park Nature Walk underway in San Francisco, leading to the Islais Creek at the south end of St. Mary's Park. 

Eventually, we envision linking more schools, parks, and other open spaces within the Islais Creek Watershed, the largest in SF, that interconnects at least 11 communities from: Noe Valley, Mission, Bernal, Potrero, Bayview, Portola, Crocker-Amazon, Excelsior, OMI, Sunnyside, Glen Park.

Below are a few more pics showing diverse areas of St. Mary's Park in South Bernal Heights !

Planting Native Oaks (Quercus agrifolia - Coast Live Oak) in 2010 on the Upper Ridge of St. Mary's and (Quercus spp. - Mixed Oaks ) on Path from Crescent Avenue leading to south side of Park and currently hidden, underground Islais Creek.

Jul '11

A Few More Photos of Tree Planting From Bernal Heights Living Library & Think Park Nature Walk


As promised, below are a few more pictures that document the tremendous effort from so many, to plant California Native Trees along the developing Bernal Heights Living Library & Think Park Nature Walk leading  to the Islais Creek on the south side of St. Mary's Park, adjacent to Alemany Farm and Alemany Public Housing.

A big special thanks to John Miller, St Mary's & Holly Park Supervisor for SF Recreation & Park Department, who is a great colleague and friend in this enterprise.  He has led so many planting days and this summer is directing our Living Library MYEEP workers (Mayor's Office of Youth Employment) to keep the trees watered and staked.  THANK YOU, JOHN !!!!

More Planting In St. Mary's Park 2009 With One Brick Volunteers

Even Mas Planting of Mixed Native Oaks In St. Mary's with Salesforce Volunteers led by Michael Hunt, 2009.                                                Our Nature Walk is emerging !!

Still more pics to come soon !

Jul '11

A Few Photos of Tree Planting From Bernal Heights Living Library & Think Park Nature Walk


Read the last post below from INDEPEN-DANCE DAY and enjoy a few pictures illustrating the tree planting throughout the Bernal Heights community over the last few years:

Planting shown below in Holly Park, St. Mary's Park, Junipero Serra Child Development Center, Holly Courts between 2009-2010. 

We have so many pics !  I will create another blog post for you soon, to view our ongoing transformation and creation of the Bernal Heights Living Library & Think Park Nature Walk !!

Holly Park 2009

St. Mary's Park, December 2009

Junipero Serra Child Development Center, December 2009

St. Mary's Park, January 2010

Holly Courts, March 2010

Jul '11

Bernal Heights Living Library & Think Park Nature Walk


By Bonnie Ora Sherk © 2011 Founder & Director, Life Frames, Inc. & A Living Library

A Living Library  = A.L.L. Transforming communities and schools by interconnecting local biological, cultural, technological resources – past, present, future

A Think Park is meant to make us think, feel, and be more empathetic to each other and all species

Community plans have been underway for 10 years to create the Bernal Heights Living Library & Think Park Nature Walk linking schools, parks, streets, housing developments, and other open spaces leading to the Islais Creek at the south end of St. Mary’s Park. Already, almost 600 California Native Trees have been planted along Appleton in front of Junipero Serra Child Development Center and College Hill Reservoir, in Holly Courts, in Holly Park, and in St. Mary’s Park, and soon interpretive signage will be added, all funded by California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.  Plans are also being developed to include more plantings around Junipero Serra Elementary School, and in Alemany Public Housing Development, with understory and added interpretive signage for all sites, if another recently applied-for state grant is awarded.

A Community Master Plan for the Bernal Heights Living Library & Think Park Nature Walk was developed with diverse community participants including children, youth, and adults, led by Life Frames, Inc. and Bonnie Ora Sherk, in 2002-03, funded by Mayor’s Office of Community Development and San Francisco Foundation.  Trees were planted by school children, neighbors, volunteers from Salesforce, One Brick, Jewish Community Federation, with great help from Recreation & Park, Department Public Works, Housing Authority, SF Public Utilities Commission.   According to Karen Huggins, Public Housing Development President of Holly Courts’ Resident’s Council, “The Bernal Heights Living Library Nature Walk that will eventually frame the Islais Creek Watershed is more than just a nature walk.  It is a bridge connecting the whole community together with the same visions for the future, making a connection daily as we walk by each other.”

When fully implemented in future Phases, another goal of our work is to Frame the Islais Creek Watershed.  The Islais Creek Watershed is the largest in San Francisco and includes at least 11 communities:  Bernal Heights, Mission, Potrero Hill, Bayview-Hunter's Point, Portola, Crocker-Amazon, Excelsior, OMI, Sunnyside, Glen Park, Noe Valley.

The New Gold Is Old:  Fresh Water

Ultimately, a goal and opportunity, is to create the A.L.L.  Islais Creek Watershed  Nature Walk to interconnect the Watershed communities and 101 Freeway Interchanges that will become Islais Creek Watershed Northern & Southern Gateway Community Parks, which will also help to mitigate extreme flooding during rain events.  The future A.L.L. Nature Walk will include native trees and understory, integrated edible landscapes at school sites, interpretive signage and other related elements, all integrated with community and school education programs, including green skills job training.  The  A.L.L. Nature Walk will link multiple parks, schools, streets, public housing, rights-of-way, and other open spaces within the Watershed.

We also envision that we will be daylighting the creeks where possible, and using creek water to rehabilitate native habitat, and also using ground water and storm water for irrigation of new trees and understory plantings.  Also envisioned is linking diverse parts of the Watershed, through Green Powered Digital Gateways, so people in different communities can see how they are interconnected.

Another potential, is that St. Mary’s Park, where a large part of our Nature Walk is located, could also become a community-wide Watershed and Urban Forestry Education Center with hands-on, outdoor classrooms, in addition to those in the schools where we currently work.

On May10, 2010, Supervisor David Campos, based on our work and others, like Clean Water Action and Urban Creeks Council, called a public hearing for the Supervisor's Land Use Committee to address issues of daylighting creeks in San Francisco, particularly as it relates to the new SFPUC Wastewater Master Plan and development of new sewer infrastructure.  The result of all, has been to move the PUC towards a more holistic, systemic Whole Watershed approach, in which we will be able to separate, use, and daylight fresh creek water where possible, within our urban setting.  The New Gold Is Old:  Fresh Water.  Supervisor Campos will hold a follow-up Hearing to review PUC changes regarding daylighting creeks and related issues.

Branch Living Library & Think Parks

In addition to our Nature Walk and Watershed initiatives, Life Frames also develops Branch Living Library & Think Parks, funded by SF Department of Children, Youth & Their Families.  In SF, we currently work with over 800 children and youth each month, at 6 schools in 3 neighborhoods, with interdisciplinary, standards-based, hands-on ecological transformation of their school and community.  Four of those schools are part of the Islais Creek Watershed and their transformed campuses are part of the proposed larger network of linked places to eventually Frame the Islais Creek Watershed: (Junipero Serra ES & Junipero Serra CDC in Bernal; James Denman MS & San Miguel CDC in Excelsior; also, Gordon Lau ES & Commodore Stockton CDC in Chinatown).

If neighbors in the area, on Holly Park Circle or Murray Street, between HPC and Crescent are interested in a California native tree in front of their house, or if you would like to participate in helping to develop these initiatives, please contact:

For more information view:

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