Archive for the ‘Islais Creek Watershed’ Category

May '11

View this video on A Living Library produced by NEN TV !

Have a look at this video on A Living Library & Life Frames, Inc. produced by NEN TV.  Although it was originally created in 2008, the ideas are still current, fresh and relevant.

A Living Library on NEN TV

Let me know your thoughts !!!

Apr '11

Welcome to A Living Library Blog!!!

Hello Everyone!

This is an auspicious moment!  I am so happy to be finally able to write to you, talk with you, and share with you all of the wonderful experiences with A Living Library, or A.L.L., for short.

We are Cultivating the Human & Ecological Garden by digging up much asphalt and concrete and creating beautiful, healthy, healing, expressive landscapes with many children, youth, and adults.  We have several Branch Living Library & Think Parks underway in San Francisco and New York City.  Each Branch is unique because each place is unique;  A.L.L., for short,  incorporates the local resources:  human, ecological, economic, historic, technological, and aesthetic seen through the lens of time - past, present, future.            

Local Resources Create A.L.L.

One of our goals is to develop place-based Branch Living Library & Think Parks in diverse locales - locally and globally - to be linked through Green Powered Digital Gateways.

We are just beginning and we want you to work with us and help us GROW!!!!

Many Thanks!!
Muchas Gracias!!
Xie Xie!!

Bonnie Ora Sherk
Founder & Director
Life Frames, Inc. & A Living Library

© 2024 Life Frames, Inc. & A Living Library

A Living Library, Life Frame, Think Park, & A.L.L. are registered trademarks

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