Posts Tagged ‘art and social practice’

May '17

PreK-12 Garden-Ecology-Multi-Arts-Literacy-Nutrition Outdoor Educators (Diverse Locations SF)

compensation: TBD employment type: part-time non-profit organization

PreK-12 Garden / Ecology / Multi-Arts / Literacy / Nutrition Teachers (part time) Diverse Locations SF-Available NOW !

This year-round position is a unique opportunity to work with a leading-edge, creative, environmental and educational nonprofit, Life Frames, Inc., dedicated to integrating community resources and creating transformative ecological and multicultural learning landscapes. Called A Living Library & Think Park, this program works with local schools and other community resources, to build on-site educational organic gardens and content-rich landscapes interlaced with other ecological elements, including the arts and digital technologies. A Living Library is linked to the curricula of the schools and animates all subjects through real-world experience. Students, together with adults, are involved in all aspects of the research, planning, design, implementation, use, maintenance, management and communications of the transformed learning environments and integrated community programs. (Life Frames, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer with a strong commitment to establishing a team of staff and volunteers who reflect the multicultural and linguistic diversity of the communities that we serve.)

Job Description:

Dynamic Teachers For Middle School & High School, plus some PreK-5 Students: Organic Gardening / California Natives / Ecology / Multi- Arts / Technology / Literacy / Nutrition Teachers (part-time diverse SF locations)The dynamic, inspired, and cheerful, outdoor educator will be leading groups of K-12 students and teachers, in hands-on learning and doing, in: organic & native gardening and tree planting, multi-arts including digital media, literacy and nutrition projects, as well as leading students in researching local ecology, history, watersheds, and existing local community, including its natural, multicultural, and built resources. You will be doing extensive student outreach & recruitment, attracting students for hands-on, learning programs, and leading gardening, related landscape, and arts activities as standards-based learning processes. You will be communicating about sustainability, ecological systems and native landscapes as well as performing community outreach activities with children and adults in ways that are fun, educational, and relevant. You will also help with some administration of program.

  • The exceptional candidate must have at least a B.A. and knowledge of science, organic gardening, California native species, and the arts; digital media a plus ! MUST ALSO BE AN EXCELLENT GARDENER !• Must have extensive experience teaching, including Elementary, Middle School and High School students - working creatively and artistically with all learners with knowledge of Common Core Standards
  • Must be excellent and have ease in managing and leading groups of students with good classroom management skills in an outdoor setting
  • Must have a dynamic, outgoing personality and ability to attract middle school youth's participation in hands-on afterschool and summer program and captivate and hold young students' attention
  • Must be an excellent organic gardener, tree planter, and landscaper with knowledge of botany, cycles of life, insects, natural pest management, companion planting, California Native species, plant communities, nutrition & health
  • Knowledge about San Francisco ecology and watershed systems very important !
  • Must have excellent communication, writing, research skills & experience with curriculum development; knowledge of state standards a plus
  • Must have an evolved aesthetic/design sensibility; ability to draw well is fantastic and able to make attractive digital flyers a real win; carpentry skills are desired; digital media, video & other art skills a real plus!
  • Bilingual Spanish, Tagalog, Cantonese, or Mandarin, a real plus !!!
  • Must be creative, hard-working, strong with a can-do attitude, a self-starter, resourceful, flexible, team player, good team teacher, and able to also take direction from the Director
  • Ability & willingness to do some administrative work and social media !
  • Must be able to do physical gardening work and be able to lift 50 lbs
To find out more about A Living Library: please visit our blog: Reply to the Founder & Director with cover letter & resume:
Dec '15

Students Dig in at OMI/Excelsior Living Library & Think Park

A.L.L.'s Programs for School Students

Middle and High School Students have been busy in the Living Library Gardens this Fall semester building a new worm farm, digging and planting water-recycling gardens, and cooking up healthy meals of freshly harvested vegetables at the  OMI/Excelsior Living Library & Think Park. During the school day, five hundred students from science classes, special needs classes, as well as social studies and arts classes at James Denman Middle School and Leadership High School come to the garden regularly to learn ecology and science through interactive lessons and team garden activities.


In a A Living Library's science classes, students discussed the severe drought in California and explored the concept of using local resources in the garden. Together, the classes made the water-wise choice to create a garden that reuses water from the sink in our garden kitchen.

Students cleared out an area next to the sink and shaped the earth into a "Grey water Oasis" complete with an island, native flowers, herbs and cattail pond. Now the water we use to wash hands and dishes has created a vibrant ecosystem enjoyed by the students as well as the butterflies and hummingbirds. A.L.L. Green Futures Eco-Stewards in the after-school program decided to repurpose the old garden sink into a new Worm Farm and built a frame and walls. The A.L.L Eco-Stewards learned how to make a sketch of their idea, measure the wood pieces, and safely use saws, hammers and nails to put together this cozy new home for the worms.

A.L.L. Eco-Stewards measure and cut wood for Worm Farm and enjoy new Grey-Water Garden Oasis that they created.

During science class, students come into the garden to learn about healthy nutrition, harvest fresh vegetables, cook and share food together. In addition to the gardening and building projects, students harvested fresh chard, zucchini, kale, carrots, radishes, beans, and other vegetables from the Gardens and cooked a range of healthy dishes together.

Students prepared dishes with whole grains and vegetables including a tempeh stir fry with black rice, vegetable sushi, quinoa salad with greens and beets, as well as sweet treats such as rice pudding and oatmeal with fresh fruit and spices.

A.L.L. Eco-Stewards wash and prepare vegetables they harvested in the garden.

 We wish to thank the students from James Denman Middle Schools and Leadership High School who cooperatively worked together to make many improvements in their Living Library & Think Park Gardens, Redwood Reading Circle, Farm Learning Zone, and Fruit Orchard this Fall. We are thankful for the recent rains and looking forward to a Spring 2016 Semester filled with many fun days learning in the garden together!

By Grace Dowd
Sep '15

FREE Program For Parents & Children with A Living Library & Roosevelt Island Public Library

Please join us again for this exciting Free hands-on learning Program for PARENTS & CHILDREN TOGETHER in NYC on Roosevelt Island !


A.L.L. Gardening, Literacy, Multi-Arts, Science, Nutrition,

Local History/Ecology 



Wednesday Afternoons This Fall

September 30 – November 18 | 3:30-5:00 p.m.

RI Living Library & Think Park

Register Now at the RI Library - 524 Main Street, Roosevelt Island 

Enrollment Limited to 25 Families

(Caregivers included) with Children (ages 4-14)


Come Grow With Us!

For More Information Contact:

Nicole Nelson: 212-308-6243 / Premilla Dixit Hobbs: 845-443-0386

You can download the application here

Sep '14

Radio Interview With Bonnie Ora Sherk Features A Living Library & Islais Creek Watershed !

Img 7251 ViewIntoRedwoodCircleBouldersBonnie Ora Sherk was interviewed on KPOO FM, 98.5 on Connecting the Dots by Judy Drummond on August 28, 2014.  Bonnie Ora discussed A Living Library and all the Branch Living Library & Think Parks underway in San Francisco and New York City, and multiple opportunities to develop Branches around the world.  Listen to the Broadcast here ! In the interview,  she also talked about the Living Library Nature Walk, that is underway, and is a model for the whole Islais Creek Watershed, the largest in SF that interconnects eleven neighborhoods, that could eventually link community resources like schools, parks, public housing, streets, and other open spaces through development of a new, narrative landscape, with other features, including the daylighting of Creeks where possible.
Dec '13

Crossroads Community (the farm): Early Life Frame Leads to Development of Potrero Del Sol Park & A Living Library

Enjoy short video on Crossroads Community (the farm), a pioneering, urban agriculture, environmental education, multi-arts, community gathering place that began in 1974 and incorporated a major freeway interchange.  The open space is now site of Potrero del Sol Park, which was originally inspired by The Farm.

Also see below Original Proposal For The Farm, Drawing/Collage © 1974 by Bonnie Ora Sherk, Founding Director and President of Crossroads Community (the farm) from 1974-1980, and picture of Model of The Farm: View South To Freeway ©1977 Bonnie Ora Sherk.

[caption id="attachment_9227" align="aligncenter" width="426"]Original Proposal For The Farm, Drawing/Collage © 1974 by Bonnie Ora Sherk Original Proposal For The Farm, Drawing/Collage © 1974 by Bonnie Ora Sherk[/caption] [caption id="attachment_9242" align="aligncenter" width="550"]Model of The Farm: View South To Freeway ©1977 Bonnie Ora Sherk Model of The Farm: View South To Freeway ©1977 Bonnie Ora Sherk[/caption]

Affectionately known as The Farm to the thousands of participants from all walks of life - locally and globally - The Farm also led directly to the development of  A Living Library, which began right after Bonnie Ora Sherk left The Farm at the end of 1980.

The Farm, was located in San Francisco in the crossroads of four, low-income, multicultural communities (Mission, Bernal Heights, Potrero Hill, Bayview) on 7+ acres adjacent to, and including the intersection of a major freeway interchange (101 at Chavez & Potrero). The Farm, was an early Life Frame*, and involved extensive land transformation including the integration of disparate, derelict, land parcels into a new city culture-ecology park at the convergence of three hidden Creeks - Islais, Precita, Serpentine, now called Potrero Del Sol Park.  (*The Life Frame literally engages and frames life, so we can see it and experience it more profoundly- Bonnie Ora Sherk.)

[caption id="attachment_9268" align="aligncenter" width="550"]Crossroads Community (the Farm) Crossroads Community (the farm) - BEFORE © 1974 Bonnie Ora Sherk[/caption] [caption id="attachment_9270" align="aligncenter" width="550"]Crossroads Community (The Farm) Crossroads Community (the farm) & Potrero Del Sol Park -AFTER © 1980 Bonnie Ora Sherk[/caption] [caption id="attachment_9269" align="aligncenter" width="550"]Crossroads Community (the Farm) Crossroads Community (the farm): First Garden on State Land - BEFORE © 1975 Bonnie Ora Sherk[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_9271" align="aligncenter" width="550"]Crossroads Community Crossroads Community (the farm): First Garden on State Land - AFTER © 1980 Bonnie Ora Sherk[/caption]
The Farm educated people of all ages about ecology and natural, integrated systems, including all the arts.  It was the home of farm animals, who lived in The Raw Egg Animal Theater (TREAT), organic vegetable and flower gardens, a human theater, and diverse community gathering places. It included a state preschool, a library, several performance spaces, farmhouse and kitchen, events, dances, community meetings, classes, other public and private gatherings. Neighborhood residents, local schools, as well as the visual and performing arts communities, were invited to participate in The Farm’s interdisciplinary, ecologically oriented, multi-arts activities and educational programs.  People from all over the world came to visit The Farm, as it provided a good example of urban agriculture, before that became a burgeoning field.  Additionally, The Farm was also one of the first Alternative Arts Spaces in the United States.
  [caption id="attachment_9243" align="aligncenter" width="550"]Scene From Crossroads Community (the farm): Boys Mowing The Lawn Next To The Freeway © 1976 Bonnie Ora Sherk                      Scene From Crossroads Community (the farm): Boys Mowing The Lawn Next To The Freeway    ©1976 Bonnie Ora Sherk[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_5030" align="aligncenter" width="550"]Scene From The Raw Egg Animal Theatre At The Farm: Buck Meets The Cat © 1976 Bonnie Ora Sherk Scene From The Raw Egg Animal Theatre [TREAT] At The Farm: Buck Meets The Cat © 1976 Bonnie Ora Sherk[/caption]
Please see below an original work, Crossroads Community (the farm) is an alternative to alternative art spaces, by Bonnie Ora Sherk © 1979, commissioned by the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art for the exhibition, Space Time Sound, at SFMOMA, 1980:
The Farm by Bonnie Ora Sherk
Read this short original text below on The Farm written by Bonnie Ora Sherk in 1977 on Crossroads Community (the farm) official stationary, for the Center For Critical Inquiry, 1st International Symposium, San Francisco Art Institute.
Crossroads Community (the farm)
Crossroads Community (The Farm)
Crossroads Community (The Farm)
This original text has been republished in diverse books worldwide, including:
  • Politiques de la Végétation, Marco Scotini, Editor, Eterotopie, France 2017
  • Vegetation As Political Art, Marco Scotini, Editor, Parco Arte Vivente, 2014
  • NATURE: Documents of Centemporary Art, Edited by Jeffrey Kastner, Whitechapel Gallery/MIT Press, Extract from Crossroads Community (the farm),     Center for Critical Inquiry Position Paper, 1st International Symposium, San Francisco Art Institute, 2012
  • ART AND SOCIAL CHANGE:  A CRITICAL READER, Edited by Will Bradley And Charles Esche, Tate Publishing, 2007
  • Theories and Documents of Contemporary Art, A Sourcebook of Artists’ Writings, Edited by Peter Selz And Kristine Stiles, UC Press, Berkeley, 1996

Additionally, Art Installations on The Farm have been exhibited nationally and internationally in addition to being published in books and journals worldwide.

Selection Of Exhibition Venues on The Farm Listed Below:

•  Van Abbe Museum, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
•  Parco Arte Vivente, Turin, Italy
•  Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy
•  National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Korea, Seoul, Korea
•  Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin, Germany
•  Museum of Modern Art/PS 1, New York City
•  Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, California
•  National Museum of Women, Washington, DC
•  American University Museum, Washington, D.C
•  Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, Canada
•  Roski School of Art, USC, Los Angeles, California
•  Site Santa Fe, Santa Fe, New Mexico
•  Smart Art Museum, Chicago, Illinois
•  California College of Art Wattis Gallery, San Francisco, CA
•  San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA
•  Cincinnati Center for Contemporary Art, Cincinnati, Ohio
•  Belkin Gallery, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
•  Braunstein / Quay Gallery, San Francisco, California
[caption id="attachment_9266" align="aligncenter" width="640"]Installation on Crossroads Community (the farm) by Bonnie Ora Sherk at Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin, Germany, 2012 Installation on Crossroads Community (the farm) by Bonnie Ora Sherk at Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien,                Berlin, Germany, 2012[/caption]
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A Living Library, Life Frame, Think Park, & A.L.L. are registered trademarks

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