Posts Tagged ‘Life Frames’

Nov '17

Bonnie Ora Sherk and A Living Library Represented at Open Table (Tavola Aperta) in Venice Biennale 2017

Bonnie Ora at Tavola Aperta, Venice Biennale

As part of the 57th edition of The Venice Biennale, curated by Christine Macel, Chief Curator of the Pompidou Center in Paris, Bonnie Ora Sherk, along with Marie Voignier, another artist featured in this year’s Biennale, were interviewed by Maria Pesavento, at the Open Table (Tavola Aperta) on October 07, 2017 at the Venice Biennale in Venice, Italy.

Bonnie Ora at Tavola Aperta

Bonnie Ora discussed her work and installation in the Arsenale, in the Pavillion of the Earth in La Biennale, called, Evolution of Life Frames: past, present, future with the visitors, over a casual lunch at the Tavola Aperta.

Link to full video discussion on La Biennale Website: 

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Sep '17

Bonnie Ora Sherk and A Living Library Receive International Recognition at Venice Biennale 2017

Venice Biennale 2017

Bonnie Ora Sherk and A Living Library (A.L.L.) have been recognized and featured in one of the most prestigious contemporary art exhibitions in the world, The Venice Biennale 2017. The 57th edition of La Biennale, also known as the Olympics of the Art World, opened on May 10, 2017 and will continue through November 26, with an estimated attendance of more than 500,000 visitors. A Living Library is exhibited as a part of Bonnie Ora Sherk’s installation Evolution of Life Frames: past, present, future, in the Arsenale in the Pavilion of the Earth, dedicated to the environment, ecological, and communitarianism movements one of the nine themed sections of the exhibition curated by Christine Macel, also Chief Curator of the Pompidou in Paris, France.  Additionally, Bonnie Ora has been invited to return to Venice and La Biennale to give a public talk on her work on October 7, and then will give another public talk and workshop on A Living Library in Zurich, Switzerland on October 12 and 13th at the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste / ZHdK.

Her two-part installation in La Biennale also features Crossroads Community (the farm) — a pioneering collaborative artwork involving urban agriculture, multi-arts, and environmental education — that resulted in Potrero del Sol Park, adjacent to the Chavez/ 101 Freeway Interchange. From 1974 to 1980, Sherk was the Founding Director and President of Crossroads Community (the Farm) which has been recognized as one of the first Alternative Art Spaces in the United States. Her installation includes the original drawings she made for the Park. A video featuring her and her way of working has been published on the official website of The Venice Biennale 2017.

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Aug '16

Summer Nutrition Classes are in Full Bloom!

Some of the healthiest and most delicious nutrition classes happen during the summer months at A Living Library, when fruit is ripening on the trees and leafy greens are at their finest. Teachers at the OMI/Excelsior Living Library & Think Park instructed students on how to prepare a salad. Aug. 1, 2016 Blog Post (more…)
Jul '16

New Greenhouse Grows At A Living Library !!

We are very proud to announce the addition of a new Greenhouse Learning Zone in Lower Garden at OMI/Excelsior Living Library & Think Park!

Jul.29 2016 Blog PostA.L.L. Green Futures Eco-Stewards revel in the new greenhouse

Jul '16

Green Skills Training for A.L.L. GREEN FUTURES ECO-STEWARDS

The A.L.L. GREEN FUTURES STEWARDS are an extraordinary group of students! They have been spending close to 15 hours every week in the OMI/Excelsior Living Library & Think Park Gardens and are beginning to master some important gardening skills including pruning, weeding, hose coiling, composting, and planting as well as numerous other useful green skills.

Teachers Cecilia and Alex asked students to write about their experience in the garden thus far. Here are some of their responses:

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