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Bonnie Ora Sherk Curriculum Vitae


2002 – Present
Project Director & Chief Designer
Bernal Heights Living Library & Think Park Nature Walk
with Junipero Serra Child Development Center,
Junipero Serra Elementary School, SF Recreation & Park Department, SFPUC, Neighbors, Cortland Merchants Assoc. & others
San Francisco, California

Development of Conceptual Master Plan for environmental and educational transformation to engage the community and its resources into a unique Bernal Heights Living Library & Think Park in diverse parts of this low income, multicultural community. Will be linked electronically with multiple Branch Living Libraries. Ongoing hands-on, standards-based Living Library Garden/Ecology/Arts Programs PreK-5th grade with local schools.

Project Director & Chief Designer
Roosevelt Island Living Library & Think Park
with PS/IS 217, Roosevelt Island Seniors Association, Roosevelt Island Artists Association, Roosevelt Island Disabled Association, Roosevelt Island Residents Association, RIOC, others
Roosevelt Island, New York City
Organizing the community and development of Conceptual Master Plan for environmental and educational transformation to aid in community and economic development of the area. Engaging the community and its resources – ecological, built, and multicultural – to develop a unique Roosevelt Island Living Library & Think Park in diverse parts of this low income, multicultural community. Will be linked with multiple Branch Living Libraries. Ongoing hands-on, standards-based Living Library Garden/Ecology/Arts Programs K-8th grade with PS/IS 217, Coler-Goldwater Hospita and other community members.

1998 – Present
Project Director & Chief Designer
OMI / Excelsior Living Library & Think Park
with James Denman Middle School, Balboa High School, San Miguel Child Development Center, SF Department of the Environment, SF Recreation & Park Department, SF PUC, Neighbors, Other Agencies & Community Groups
San Francisco, California
Environmental & educational transformation of three typical “factory model” public schools which sit on a contiguous piece of land of nine acres in what used to be a fertile river valley and is now a mostly concrete, asphalt environment surrounded by chain-linked fences. Transformation of site through creation of indoor / outdoor Learning Zones based on ecological, built, and cultural resources of area – past, present, and future. Includes work with currently culverted, flooding river and rehabilitating riparian habitat and creation of multicultural gardens. Student, teacher, parent, and community involvement in all aspects of creation, use, maintenance, management, and communication through interdisciplinary project-based learning linked to the curricula of the schools. Includes arts and communications technologies integrated into landscape. Ongoing hands-on, standards-based Living Library Garden/Ecology/Arts Programs PreK- High School with local schools and community. Also, Environmental Skills Training Program for Adults.

May 1992 – 2001 – Founder & President
2001 – Present – Founder & Executive Director
Life Frames®, Inc.
New York, New York
San Francisco, California
Established a non-profit 501 C3 Corporation to develop content-rich site and culturally sensitive indoor/outdoor culture-ecology-technology Think Parks®, Living Libraries®, and Life Frames® in different communities around the world with integrated programs, curricula, and products, to be linked electronically. Each integrates local resources: human, ecological, historic, technological, and aesthetic and creates a social weaving of all sectors of community to be involved in the creation, use, maintenance, management, and communications of all elements

March 1981 – Present
Founder & Executive Director/Chief Designer
New York, New York
San Francisco, California
Responsible for over-all concept, integrated environmental and program design for creation of A LIVING LIBRARY, an indoor/outdoor culture-ecology-technology park, lifelong learning magnet, and linked with international network of such parks, each integrated with programs, curricula, and products that bring the local cultural & ecological diversity of the area to life through plants and other living forms, the built and ecological environment(s), all the arts, state-of-the-art communications technologies, and diverse educational, ecological, and entertaining activities. Formed Board Advisors, non-profit corporation called Life Frames®, Inc., led negotiations with government, corporate, and community leaders in New York City, San Francisco, and other cities in the country and abroad. Developed innovative uses for new communications technologies for an international interactive network and unique educational strategies for a multigenerational and multicultural public. Developed new maintenance techniques for urban public open spaces that utilize existing resources promoting community stewardship, education, job creation, and economic development.

July l985 – May l986
New York, New York & Houston, Texas
Developed traveling interactive installation as mini-demonstration for A LIVING LIBRARY. Involved corporations, teachers & students (K-College), professional artists, horticulturists, video/computer technologists in environmental exhibition. Produced interactive videodisk and electronic “Tree of Knowledge”.

May l974 – November l980
Founding Executive Director/President
San Francisco, California
Creator of integrated concept and environmental plan for new city Farm Park and environmental education and culture center. Directed implementation. Developed non-profit corporation and formed Board of Directors and Advisors. Coordinated participation of city, state, and federal agencies, and private corporations and foundations in community development projects. Managed paid staff and volunteers. Oversaw operation of programs including capital improvements and open space acquisition. Designed, wrote, and presented winning visual proposals; developed and administered budgets and grants; negotiated contracts. Initiated and led successful campaign for city to acquire and develop multi-million dollar park. Developed mechanisms for projects to produce revenue. Designed and implemented innovative and ongoing public educational programs and exhibitions for all ages in environmental education, agriculture, and all the arts. Created programs that promoted ecological sensitivity and multi-ethnic and international diversity for an intergenerational and multi-economic public including teens, young children, senior citizens, and at-risk students. Involved participation of individuals and classes from over 75 schools (K-College) with programs linking nature and the arts with math, language arts, civics, history, science; worked with teachers in curriculum development; Generated extensive media coverage for events and projects.

M.A. San Francisco State University, Environmental Sculpture
Certificate, Landscape Architecture, University of California, S. F.
Teaching Credentials: New York, New Jersey, California (K-12)
B.A. Rutgers University, Douglass College-Art (Honors)
Certificate – Oomoto School of Traditional Japanese Arts- Kameoka, Japan

2006 Appointed by SF Board of Supervisors to SF Urban Forestry Council
2005 San Francisco Foundation for South Bernal Heights Living Library
2003 California Department of Forestry & Fire Protection for OMI/Excelsior Living Library & Think Park
2003 The Ford Foundation for OMI / Excelsior Living Library & Think Park (San Francisco) and Roosevelt Island Living Library & Think Park (NYC) Programs
2002-08 Mayor’s Office of Children, Youth, and Families for OMI / Excelsior & South Bernal Heights Living Library & Think Park Programs
2002-04 Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Beautification for OMI / Excelsior Living Library & Think Park 
2002 SF Art Commission for OMI / Excelsior Living Library & Think Park
2002 SF Mayor’s Office of Community Development to develop Conceptual Master Plan for South Bernal Heights Living Library & Think Park
2001 SF Mayor’s Office of Community Development to develop Conceptual Master Plan for OMI / Excelsior Living Library & Think Park
2000 Named a Laureate of the Smithsonian Institution for A Living Library
2000 A Living Library becomes part of the permanent research collection of Smithsonian’s Museum of American History and featured on the Smithsonian Computerworld Website
2000 A Living Library & Life Frames, Inc. nominated for Smithsonian Computerworld Award in the category of “Environment, Energy, & Agriculture” by Steve Jobs of Apple Computers, Inc.
2000 San Francisco Beautiful Grant – OMI / Excelsior Living Library & Think Park
1999 Named “Outstanding Healing Artist of the Arts & Healing Network for the Year 2001” by Marion Rockefeller Weber, Founder & Director, Arts & Healing Network
1999 Miranda Lux Foundation – OMI / Excelsior Living Library & Think Park 
1999; 00; 01 Potrero Nuevo Fund of the Tides Foundaton – OMI / Excelsior Living Library & Think Park Program 
1996-97 San Francisco Foundation Grant – Civic Center Living Library Project
1996-97 Columbia Foundation Grant for Civic Center Living Library Project
1996 “Biennial Honor Award, ASLA, l995 (Northern California Chapter) – “Building & Community” – for Guadalupe Gardens Master Plan, San Jose. Member Design Team with Tito Patri
1993 Member design team, St. Vincent’s/Silveira Ranch, New Sustainable Living `Learning Community As A Life Frame, San Rafael, California, 3rd place, National Competition 
l987 Redesign of Todos Santos Plaza- Concord, Ca. National Competition, Runner-Up Winner. Collaboration with Mark Bunnell, ASLA
l980; 1975 NEA Individual Artist’s Fellowships 
l975-79 CAC Grants 
1977 San Francisco Tomorrow Environment Award 
1976-79 NEA Grants: Expansion Arts, Architecture & Environmental Arts, City Spirit, Visual Arts 
1974-80 Numerous Foundation Grants for THE FARM 
1975-79 California Arts Council Project Grants 
1973 San Francisco Art Commission Merit Award 
1970 MADEMOISELLE MAGAZINE Woman of the Year Award
1970 San Francisco Museum of Modern Art SECA Award 


Consultant to diverse stakeholders in community of Chinatown, San Francisco including Commodore Stockton Child Development Center, Gordon Lau Elementary School, Chinatown Beacon, parents, neighbors, and other local resources to create a unique Chinatown Living Library & Think Park at both school sites based on local ecological, built, multicultural resources linked to Branch Living Libraries as they emerge.

Consultant to diverse stakeholders in community of Bernal Heights, San Francisco including Junipero Serra Child Development Center, Junipero Serra Elementary School, public housing project, other neighbors and incorporating local resources to create unique Bernal Heights Living Library & Think Park Nature Walk based on local ecological, built, multicultural resources linked to Branch Living Libraries as they emerge.

Consultant to multiple stakeholders in Roosevelt Island, New York City to create a unique Roosevelt Island Living Library & Think Park based on the local ecological, built, and multicultural resources to be linked to Branch Living Libraries in diverse locales.

Consultant to James Denman Middle School, San Miguel Child Development Center, Balboa High School to develop an ecological, multicultural, and technological OMI / Excelsior Living Library & Think Park Master Plan to transform the indoor/outdoor facilities and link the three schools with Balboa Park, City College, and other community resources to the schools as Centers of Community. Work to include development of Community Research Mentoring Teams, real-world project-based curricula, teacher training, Natural Resources Training for community, and assessments of program

Life Frames, Inc. – Preliminary conceptual design with integrated programs and curricula to rearticulate historic San Francisco Civic Center into sustainable 21st century lifelong learning magnet for whole community that celebrates the past, present, and future. Involved and received support from all sectors of community including public and private schools K-College, foundations, international & multicultural groups, and environmental organizations, Sister Cities.

Lincoln Unified School District, Stockton, Ca., Member Educational Design Team to create new high school as farm with student & teacher participation & all aspects of built & natural environments integrated into interdisciplinary curriculum

Eastside Union High School District, San Jose, Cal., Design Team Facilitator for conceptual redesign of existing high school as A Living Library

Indianapolis Children’s Museum, Indianapolis, Indiana
Conceptual Redesign of indoor/outdoor integrated systems facilities

Member design team with Tito Patri & Associates to develop Master Plan for Guadalupe Gardens, l50 acres, San Jose, Ca. Involved all sectors of community including schools K- College

NASA, Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio Conceptual plans to develop A Living Library in conjunction with Lewis Research Center Education Department

Monkey Jungle, Miami, Florida; conceptual development plans for Life Frame

City of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, conceptual development plans to create A Living Library for the city of Harrisburg

National Park Service, Washington, D.C., Harper’s Ferry, West Va. Plans for NPS Interarts Program; NPS Living History Columbus Quincentennial Program; Presented idea of a national park as A Living Library

Port Authority of New York & New Jersey, Schematic Plans for renovation of NY & NJ Entrance/Exit Areas to Holland Tunnel


MemberSan Francisco Urban Forestry Council
Board MemberYouth Arts New York
LaureateSmithsonian Institution
Advisory Board MemberNational Learning Foundation, Washington, D.C.
Advisory Board MemberSolutions: Town Hall, San Francisco, California
MemberSan Francisco Green Schoolyards Alliance
MemberSPUR/AIA Civic Center Task Force, San Francisco, California

Systemic Ecological Design – Environmental, Landscape, & Urban Design; Planning, Development, & Implementation integrated with Ecological & Interdisciplinary Community Programs / Interdisciplinary, standards-based curricula, PreK-12 / products 

Community Participation, Facilitation, Visioning, Organizing; working with youth and children; multicultural communities

Systemic Strategic Planning/Creative Problem-Solving / Integrated Ecological Systems

New Applications for Communications Technologies and displays
Security Innovations

Creative Research, Documentation, and Evaluation

Public Speaking / Networking / Mobilizing

Marketing / Fundraising / Public Relations / Advertising

Teaching / Curriculum Design / Teacher Training

Writing / Grant Writing

Teacher Staff Development & Student Training 
James Denman M.S., San Miguel Child Development Center, Junipero Serra Child Development Center, Junipero Serra Elementary School, Gordon Lau Elementary School, Commordore Stockton Child Development Center, S.F., CA. PS/IS 217, Roosevelt Island, N.Y.

San Francisco Institute of Architecture, S.F., Ca.

Graduate Mentor / Instructor
Arts & Consciousness Graduate Program, JFK University, Berkeley, California

Tyler School of Art, Temple Univ., Philadelphia, Pa.
Dartington College Totnes, England
California College of Arts & Crafts, Oakland, California
San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California
Antioch College West, San Francisco, California

Credentialed Teacher in elementary & secondary schools for all populations including at-risk, special education, and physically handicapped students in New York, New York City, New Jersey, California

French; some Spanish, Japanese