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A Living Library = A.L.L.

Transforming diverse public spaces into ecological learning sites

A Living Library (A.L.L.) is a powerful framework for creating place-based, ecological change in communities and schools. In our branches in San Francisco and New York City, students and adults focus on the environment, gardening, watersheds, literacy, multi-arts, technology, health, nutrition, youth leadership, and civic responsibility. More About Us »

Intern Purple Gloves
“Everyone and everything on Earth and in Space is a part of A Living Library of diversity.... people, birds, insects, trees, air, land, seas, culture, and technology. EVERYONE, EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE IS NATURE!
— Bonnie Ora Sherk, A.L.L. Founder
Interns 06 2024 Week One Highlights

Summer Interns News: Issue #1

Our summer interns are chronicling their activities. Check out their first issue of The Green Gazette! Follow them as they kick off their program, get to know their educators, and more.

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Apply Now for a Paid Internship This Fall

Join A.L.L. Green Future’s (AGF) Job Training Paid Internship program for the Fall session! Our cohort in New York City is for middle schoolers, and for high school/college students in San Francisco. Learn hands-on…

Find out more & apply
Interns Exhibit Cropped

Exhibit Closing Symposium & OMI/Excelsior Living Library Garden Tour

Please join us on March 9 for an afternoon of programs celebrating the closing of the Bonnie Ora Sherk retrospective…

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A.L.L. Classes – Join Us

It’s never too late or early to add green education to your life. Learn how to grow your own food,…

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Bonnie Ora Sherk sitting on the Golden Gate Bridge

Bonnie Ora Sherk Exhibit

We’re pleased to invite you to the opening of Bonnie Ora Sherk: Life Frames Since 1970 at Fort Mason Center…

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Year in Review 2023

Our year-end newsletter, looking back at the highlights and accomplishments of 2023. Classes for children in multiple languages, our largest…

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Photos from the Gardens

Thank You to Our Funders!

San Francisco

California Natural Resources Agency

Community Challenge Grants

New York

New York Community Trust

New York City Green Fund

Please Help Us Now

We are asking for your help to further our work in communities that most need it. Help us teach Green Education and Sustainability to lower income communities while creating beautiful environmentally sustainable gardens and walkways. 
Donate Now