Transforming diverse public spaces into ecological learning sites
A Living Library (A.L.L.) is a powerful framework for creating place-based, ecological change in communities and schools. In our branches in San Francisco and New York City, students and adults focus on the environment, gardening, watersheds, literacy, multi-arts, technology, health, nutrition, youth leadership, and civic responsibility. More About Us »

Summer Interns News: Issue #3
The interns learn about food justice and soil science, take trip to Filoli Garden with executive director China Bushell, and start working with young students at…

Summer Interns News: Issue #2
The summer interns program continues with learning about the four elements, digging up poisonous hemlock, and a nature walk at Land’s End…

Summer Interns News: Issue #1
Our summer interns are chronicling their activities. Check out their first issue of The Green Gazette! Follow them as they…

Apply Now for a Paid Internship This Fall
Join A.L.L. Green Future’s (AGF) Job Training Paid Internship program for the Fall session! Our cohort in New York City…

Exhibit Closing Symposium & OMI/Excelsior Living Library Garden Tour
Please join us on March 9 for an afternoon of programs celebrating the closing of the Bonnie Ora Sherk retrospective…
Thank You to Our Funders!
San Francisco
California Natural Resources Agency
Community Challenge Grants
New York
New York Community Trust
New York City Green Fund