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Paid Internships

A.L.L. Green Future’s (AGF) Job Training Paid Internship is our job training program where we run two cohorts: one for Middle Schoolers and one for High Schoolers to age 24. We run three sessions annually: Fall, Spring and Summer. Interns work 10 hours/weekly during the school year and 20 hours/weekly during the summer. Interns are paid through our nonprofit partners.  

Job training includes multiple hands-on green skills relating to existing and new watershed landscapes, streetscapes and gardens while introducing Interns to green jobs with diverse city agencies and private landscape businesses.  

In San Francisco, we are accepting Intern requests from students ages 14 to 24.

In New York, we are looking for Interns ages 8 to 10.

If you would like to join us this Fall, please email us with your interest.

Interested in an Internship?