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Exhibition Closing Symposium

March 9, 2024 · Fort Mason Center for Art & Culture

The retrospective exhibition of Bonnie Ora Sherk’s work closed with a celebratory line-up of talks and panels, including presentations from our Executive Director and Board President. View all the presentions here.

Executive Director China Bushell discusses the history and current work of A Living Library, 2024
Board President Robert Croonquist remembers Bonnie’s life and achievements, 2024

A Living Library, Life Frames, & the Work of Bonnie Ora Sherk

Presentation by Bonnie Ora Sherk on A Living Library’s Goals & Accomplishments, 2013
Bonnie Ora Sherk Interview, conducted by Patricia Watts, ecoartspace, 2012
Evolution of Life Frames produced by Bonnie Ora Sherk, 2002
An Early Life Frame, Crossroads Community (the farm), excerpt from Evolution of Life Frames, 2002