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Ecological Projects Overview

San Francisco

California Natural Resources Administration (CNRA):
Seneca Avenue Ecological Transformation Project

This project creates a series of rain gardens, lateral planting areas, natural micro-bio swales, and native habitats, We are planting 160 trees and 2000 understory plants. All trees, shrubs and plants are native and appropriate for site specific microclimates- including drought-tolerance or riparian habitat. The focus of this project is to divert Stormwater to the Islais Creek Watershed via underground infiltration technology and by removing concrete. The project connects schools and community to Green Infrastructure while acting as a basis for learning and experience for K-12 youth.

Community Challenge Grant (CCG):  
A.L.L. Green Futures Paid Job Training

AGF Paid Interns work with school students and adult volunteers to transform and maintain multiple, formerly barren, depressing, concrete and asphalt, heat-island streetscapes and other underused, unproductive environments. The work takes place at diverse sites within Islais Creek Watershed. Interns work to regenerate significant public assets, like redirecting storm water to mitigate flooding, as they beautify their community. Our AGF Interns learn GREEN job skills and about GREEN jobs in SF public agencies.

New York City

New York Community Trust:  
Roosevelt Island’s A Living Library Think Parks and Garden

This program was built to create school-parent relationships thru gardening. What developed is a program that teaches Children, Parents and Seniors how to ecologically affect their environment. For the last two decades, we have hosted gardening classes for children, ages 3-21, teaching them how to connect with nature using their hands in soil. Now, we work directly with Parents; and since, we’ve noticed an accelerated amount of them accompanying their Children to learn as well.

Last year, with the help of a Grant; we were able to add a class in Japanese. This year, we are adding a third class in Korean. These classes have connected parents that might not have met — even in a small community. Now, classes overlap, Children mingle and Parents connect. Together, we plant, practice yoga and apply arts and crafts into the garden. Seniors play a prevalent role as well. They volunteer and maintain the garden grounds. We also teach them how to utilize nutrition grown from the garden. This year, Seniors are sharing their cultural uses of herbs and vegetables grown in the garden.

New York City Green Funds:  
Developing Monarch Butterfly & Native Habitat

Through the help of a Grant, this year we will be working to create a native habitat for Monarch Butterflies, Birds, Insects and other Pollinators to Roosevelt Island Living Library Branch. We will spend this Spring and Summer, with the aid of the community, building habitats to attract them. Native trees, shrubs and understory plants will be added to accelerate transformation. Under our guidance, Students and Seniors will study the how to practice and enact mini environments necessary for Monarchs and other Pollinators to blossom.